| TRAP Scene Breakdown |

Saturday, December 22, 2007

越州脚车记 | 风 . 影 . 色





Tuesday, December 11, 2007





在没有压力里的情况下,创作空间的确很大。民杰,谢谢你! 每次出团时,都会向民杰说期待我们的奇迹吧!无形中变成我创作的推动力。从公司打听民杰饱受压力的情况,我也觉得他很辛苦,我为有尽我所能让民杰觉得我们的创作与努力可让他得到更大的满足感。也希望每次的创作可,令他又惊喜!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

越州脚车记 | Rawang - Ipoh

漂亮的255公里!五天踩程(221007 - 261007), 屁股代价最大!此趟踩程的战友为昔日爬山友-邱胜顺(Sam)。他没什么厉害,只是屁股肉较多,不太痛!佩服!

. Rawang - Slim River (70km)
: Slim River - Mambang Di Awan (65km)
:. Mambang Di Awan - Ipoh (40km)
:: Ipoh - Mambang Di Awan (40km)
::. Mambang Di Awan - Tanjung Tualang - Mambang Di Awan (40km)


Friday, November 9, 2007


抛开对大学的成熟,迎接对社会的无知。毕业后,只留下两个财产, 证书及录影机。 摸了摄影四年,才真正开始了解这门学问。

一个小框框里,能让人有如此大的想象空间! 太有意思了!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007





Sunday, November 4, 2007

晚上空气粒子活动量不大,音波无法传得像日间般快,周遭的声音听得特别清楚。引擎的扭力,电台的音波时有时无, 仿佛只有鼓声,车里可听见的音量加起来也只不过像只蚊子在耳边飞过。小时前,这条大路还堵满车辆, 烦与吵为最佳形容词!每次踢完球回家时都会保持时速十公里慢慢聆听空气中的粒子在夜间所发出的失眠后遗症。勾起了在纽西兰与伦敦晚上驾车的回忆。我喜欢这种感觉!小时的变化可真大!他们年了!童军朋友中有喜事了!刚刚回想起踢球前,朋友说应怎样应付新娘姐妹们的招数。统统妙招都由新郎给想好了。无需惊动姐妹们伤脑筋,只需提着免费票在楼梯口观看,看完后开门放新娘。兄弟们担保好戏连场,其中包括蓝同志以精装铁蓝头碎西瓜,保证红运当头!妙招!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

17.10 - 20.10 | Summerset Resort, Pahang

181007 失眠的后遗症
因当晚那“上不了山的货车”,我失眠了。早上五时四十五分,手指开始痒了。取了相机,出门时还听见隔壁房的风扇旋转声,咯啰。。。咯啰。。。咯啰。。。 奇怪的是,那班女生还可在风扇的吵杂声下熟睡。

相机的镜片还蒙着一片雾水,它在半睡半醒的状态下陪着我欣赏云冰(ROMPIN,PAHANG)的日出。 路上得靠手机的光线才可从草丛中穿越出来到海边。时间尚早,得干些事才行。


181007 日出

191007 沙滩营火会




Sunday, September 9, 2007

Miss G:" How does it works?"

Dear Miss G, all these are done by a compositing software, Adobe After Effects. This process is one of the most tedious and complicated process while completing TRAP. Video footages, pictures and 3D files have to be combined (composite) using this software. Some of the scenes are dealing with many files and effects, so it needs time to process (render) to become the final image as shown below.

Final Image 01

While shooting for Final Image 01


Final Image 02

While shooting for Final Image 02


Final Image 03

While shooting for Final Image 03


Final Image 04

While shooting for Final Image 04


Final Image 05

While shooting for Final Image 05

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The ending part was actually plan to shoot after Chinese New Year. Due to this part is not in a rush, I decided to shoot it when TRAP is almost finish.

At first, I had a dialogue for Jason but the result is just not there. I had decided to make TRAP as a no dialogue master piece but still remaining the maximum impact to deliver to audience.

One of my most respectful secondary school teacher - Madam Chan Siew Lei. She is actually one of my mentor when I was in Form 6. My thinking style started to go crazy when she decided to organized a English Drama Competition among Form 6 classes. I totally put all of my effort to make the drama become a special one.

I purposely request her to act as the mom character, hopefully she can have a special experience when she is contributing for her ex-student and giving her first time in acting for student work. Perhaps, letting someone to have good experience is also a form of appreciation. Thank you!

"Finally I have watched your work. I was surprised for the beginning part. It is very suspense. Thanks for your DVD, it will be a good commercial break for my relatives during Chinese New Year" She answered me with a nice smile :)

Another "TRAP"

Although this "Jungle" is free admission for everyone to visit, but certain species of creature take "advantage" to intrude and destroy the green. I have witnessed the cycle of nature with this "Jungle". I have seen how a species been taken over from another species. I started to appreciate the art of ecosystem.Mold (white color subject) caused from moisture in the "Jungle".

Disaster from the damping. The base couldn't support the weight after flowering the greens.
Disaster of the unpredictable whether. Hardly can do anything.


At first, Alex was planning to forge a sword for me. He has been forging few swords since he had agreed to help me. Bad things always come first. All the swords had the same faith. Seems like they were cursed by the blue spirit and not be able to serve for their master.

He was so patient on forging the third sword for me in The Expensive Day. "Wah, how come you know how to forge a sword?" Most of the crew asking the same question. I get bored. But he is not! I think that's the advandtage of an Anime lover should have.
Finally, I'm not be able to conquer the blue spirit. I have to spend money to deactivate the curse. I got this sword after searching around in few shopping complex. Mid Valley was the final destination of the curse.

It was strange when I met this sword. At first, I had chosen another model (not so nice) in the display corner, but the shop worker accidently taken the wrong sword to me. I was amazed by it sparks, reflectivity and design. It sparks at me as loving to serve me for TRAP. It becomes alive!
"This is it man! Thanks for taking the wrong sword to me!"
There are few dramatic camera moving shots that only can be done with the help of Thomas Na (Owner of Chuan Hong Hardware). At first I had made some surveys on how to make a DIY camera track which need to spend more than RM100. After explaining my intention to Thomas, he had suggested me on this camera track using PVC Pipe which cost around RM20! TWENTY Ringgit! Perhaps he might be one of the top student in my faculty! Thanks Thomas! "Are you sure you are still under budget? If not I still can reduce some of the hardware price for you!" Thomas has been helping me a lot for all the hardware and discount! You will get busy in my next project. Thanks my friend!

The 99 Nightmare

After the editing and music are done, the nightmare starts. The visual effects and the compositing stage begins. These 99 shots are the 2nd phase of the storyboard, which will lead me to shoot the "jungle" part and composite them to the background of the hero. All the "jungle" footages will be replacing the blue screen behind the hero.

Where is the "Jungle"?

Dear Miss R, thanks for question. It was encouraging! These might be able to answer your question! Phase 1: Was planting some individual grass layers and distributing spaces for different camera angle. Grass was digged from a football field.
Phase 2: Most of the grass has been planted. Will leave it to grow by their own for at least one month. Man-made pond was successfully created! Functionality of the pond is no longer perfect after 2 months.
Phase 3: Front & Back view of the "Jungle". After filling up the remaining space with grass and wood.
Phase 4: Rain proof precaution and blue screen setup. Initial plan is to shoot the "Jungle" part in day time. But it fails due to unexpected whether in day time.

"Apa you buat sini tiap tiap malam?" The guard asked me once when he is hanging around in the neighbourhood.