| TRAP Scene Breakdown |

Thursday, August 16, 2007


At first, Alex was planning to forge a sword for me. He has been forging few swords since he had agreed to help me. Bad things always come first. All the swords had the same faith. Seems like they were cursed by the blue spirit and not be able to serve for their master.

He was so patient on forging the third sword for me in The Expensive Day. "Wah, how come you know how to forge a sword?" Most of the crew asking the same question. I get bored. But he is not! I think that's the advandtage of an Anime lover should have.
Finally, I'm not be able to conquer the blue spirit. I have to spend money to deactivate the curse. I got this sword after searching around in few shopping complex. Mid Valley was the final destination of the curse.

It was strange when I met this sword. At first, I had chosen another model (not so nice) in the display corner, but the shop worker accidently taken the wrong sword to me. I was amazed by it sparks, reflectivity and design. It sparks at me as loving to serve me for TRAP. It becomes alive!
"This is it man! Thanks for taking the wrong sword to me!"
There are few dramatic camera moving shots that only can be done with the help of Thomas Na (Owner of Chuan Hong Hardware). At first I had made some surveys on how to make a DIY camera track which need to spend more than RM100. After explaining my intention to Thomas, he had suggested me on this camera track using PVC Pipe which cost around RM20! TWENTY Ringgit! Perhaps he might be one of the top student in my faculty! Thanks Thomas! "Are you sure you are still under budget? If not I still can reduce some of the hardware price for you!" Thomas has been helping me a lot for all the hardware and discount! You will get busy in my next project. Thanks my friend!

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